Principal's Corner

Welcome to the school year and the Wiesbaden Middle School (WMS) website. As a part of the Department of Defense Education Activity, WMS educates students in grades 6-8 supported by the USAG-Wiesbaden. WMS is a spectacular school with an outstanding student body and caring faculty and staff. As the principal of Wiesbaden Middle School, I have three overarching goals that guide my decision making and planning.

  1. Community: I want our school to be a connected community of individuals, of learners, and of global citizens. Each day we strive to provide a caring and supportive environment that promotes healthy growth and advancement for all members of our school community.
  2. Lifelong Learning: It is my sincere hope that each member of the WMS community is a lifelong learner; one who regularly seeks knowledge and builds upon existing skills. I want our students and professionals to view learning as a dynamic process that does not end when formal education ends.
  3. Future Preparedness: As the middle stage of the American education system, it is our role to ensure that our students are provided with the foundations necessary to be able to achieve their future goals and dreams. Through intentional and standards-based planning, our programs prepare students for the rigor of high school and beyond by providing opportunities for exploration and new learning, rich with hands-on opportunities, cultural enrichment, and technology integration.

As a Twenty-First Century School of Excellence Wiesbaden Middle School is proud to be providing a high-quality education to every student, every day. If you would like to provide feedback or share ideas, please feel free to contact us.

DoDEA's official photo of Mr. Shawn Knudsen, Principal Wiesbaden MS

Mr. Shawn Knudsen

Unit 24309
Box 87
APO, AE 09005
United States

+49 (0)611-143-545-2031
DoDEA's official photo of Ms. Isabel Christian.

Ms. Isabel Christian

Unit 24309
Box 87
APO, AE 09005
United States

+49 (0)611-143-545-2031
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